How Do I Get a Wells Public Library Card?

Cards are available to Residents and Non-Residents. All applicants for a Wells Public Library card must complete an application card stating that he/she agrees to all rules and regulations set by the library.

Resident Library Cards

A Wells Public Library card is available free of charge to legal residents and/or property owners of Wells, Moody, Ogunquit, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport. A legal resident is defined as someone who is registered to vote in Maine, has a valid Maine driver’s license, or has registered one’s motor vehicles in Maine.

Library cards are also available free of charge to Wells property owners who are not legal residents, Town of Wells employees, Faculty of the Wells-Ogunquit Consolidated School District, faculty and students at York County Community College, and employees of other educational and community service agencies located in Wells.

To obtain a resident library card, applicants must present proof of residency, property ownership, school attendance, or employment at the time of registering for a card, as well as verification of a mailing address. One or more items from the following list are required:

· Valid driver’s license or state I.D. card

· Property tax receipt from Town Hall

· Utility bill with current address

· Imprinted checks with current address

· Rent agreement with imprinted address

· Car registration

· Town of Wells Employee I.D. or recent pay stub

· Current Wells-Ogunquit School District I.D. or recent pay stub

· Current York County Community College I.D. or recent pay stub

· Current I.D. or recent pay stub from an educational or community service agency located in Wells.

Juvenile and Young Adult Cards:

Children ages 0-13 years are entitled to a juvenile library card.

Youth Cards

· A parent or guardian must prove residency.

· A parent or guardian must complete and sign an application card which indicates their agreement to take responsibility for their child's understanding of all rules and regulations set by the library.

Parents are encouraged to read the “Access of Library Materials” section of the library’s Borrowing Policy.

Non-Resident Library Cards

Individuals not included under the Resident borrower list may purchase a “Non-Resident” card for a Non-Refundable Fee of $20.00/year, to be renewed annually. Non-Residents may opt to purchase a 3 month card for a non-refundable fee of $10.00. To receive a non-resident card an applicant must present the following:

· Valid Driver’s License or State I.D. card from the out of town address

· Current phone number

Library Card Renewals and Replacement of Lost Cards

Both Resident and Non-Resident library cards are valid for one year and are renewable upon verification of current address, phone number, and other information. Non-residents will need to pay either the $20 or $10 annual fee as stated above. In order to obtain a replacement card the individual must provide proof of identification.

5/09; Approved by the Library Board of Trustees
Updated 9/4/2024